Sunday 30 December 2007

Cheesecake (with cherry topping)

I saw this recipe on Nigella Express and thought, I must try this. It was a doddle to make and the result? Well, all I can say is I have made this cake so many times and everyone loved it.. and some even asked for the recipe.

So here goes the recipe..enough for 4 big appetite people ;-)

For the topping:
Soft cheese 300g
Juice of 1 lemon
Vanilla extract 1 tsp
Double cream 250ml
Icing sugar 1 cup
Cherry pie filling 1 can
For the base:
Unsalted butter (softened) 85g
Digestive biscuits 150g

How to make:
1) To make the cake base, whizz together the butter and the biscuits in a food processor until it turn into damp dough-like consistency. If you dont have a food processor, put the biscuits in a plastic bag and bash it with a rolling pin until the biscuits turned into fine crumbs. Then use your hand to mix the butter and the biscuits crumbs.
2) Grease a 9 inch springform tin with butter then pour in the cake base mixture. Spread the mix evenly and press hard the mix into the bottom of the tin. Leave aside in the fridge.
3) To make the topping, mix together the softcheese, sugar, lemon and vanilla extract in a bowl until smooth.
4)In a separate bowl, whisk the cream until it forms a soft peak but not too stiff.
5) Add both cream cheese mix and the whisked cream together. Mix well. The mixture should be in smooth consistency. At this stage, you can taste the mixture and adjust to suit your taste. More sugar or more vanilla extract if you want. If you prefer more tangy taste, add a bit more lemon juice.
6) Take out the base from the fridge. Pour topping into the base and spread evenly. Put the tin back in the fridge until the topping has set.
7)Just before serving, pour the cherry pie filling on top of the cake. Enjoy!

Tip 1: You can use replace the cherry topping with whatever topping you like, e.g.: toffee, berries, summer fruits, etc.
Tip 2: I prefer thin moist base but if you prefer thicker base, just adjust the measurement. The measurement given is just a guideline.