Sunday 20 May 2007

Grilled Chicken & Parmesan Salad

This is a healthy & easy to make dish...suitable for those lazy chill out weekend.

Ingredients (makes 2):

2 x Chicken breasts
2 x Tomatos - sliced or quatered however you like it
1/4 Onion- thinly sliced
Romaine or Cos Lettuce - try tearing it instead of cutting to get the rustic look
Parmesan Reggiano - grated
Black pepper
Olive oil

Note: The ingredients and measurement are not limited/restricted. Make it to suit your liking.

How to make:
1) Heat the grill on medium-high heat.
2) Lay the chicken breasts on an oven tray. Drizzle with olive oil and season with freshly grind black pepper. Cook the chicken in the grill for about 20 mins or more depending on chicken size/quantity.
3) Toss the lettuce, tomatos and onions together and distribute evenly between two plates.
4) Sprinkle generously the grated parmesan on the salad.
5) Once the chicken timing is up, take it out from the oven and sprinkle the grated parmesan on the chicken as well. The more parmesan the nicer it will turn out ;-)
6) Put the chicken in the grill for further 5 mins or until the parmesan is melted and turn slighly brown.
7) Take the chicken out, place it on the plate with the salad. Voila, dinner is served.

If you want to bulk up the meal, have it with bruschetta or add some croutons to the salad. Bon appetite.

Verdict: This was my first time trying this recipe and it turned out very nice even though I should have put more parmesan. Will definitely make this again. It's a guilt free meal!

1 comment:

diLs said...

eh that the kitchen at your place? COOL! amat sesuai untuk cooking bash :-)0